Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Leason from Laila

This is Life that we are living everyday something bond to happen rather you want it or not and that when your strenght and faith are tested in thos time you are going to need all the miracles that you can get from the good lord but I'm going to tell you this what doesnt kill you bond to make you stronger in the long run so dont sweat it at all just keep your head held high because I gurante you there is a light at the end of every tunnel you just have to disciplane yourself and give yourself that extra push that you need to reach the top of the mountain, futhermore is faith have you ever heard of walking by faith instead of sight well that the overall purpose of life to get into more detail let me start by saying that the things that you wake up to everyday will probely put you down and make you feel like you are not worthy to be alive or make you feel like you dont want to be alive just close your eyes and imagine what would jesus do if he was put into your situation, and if that doesnt work just put this in mind when you walk by faith you can overcome anything and I mean everything, you can do the impossible and make thos who told you that you would not amount to anything be proven wrong which is the best revenge ever!!! well my time is up untill next time

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